Okay, so I will admit that I mainly use the Internet for entertainment and social networking purposes, with some research thrown in for good measure (I am a student, right?). Currently I am embroiled in the saga of the bubble witches. It is so addicting, but it’s my guilty pleasure. Popping virtual bubbles is not as fun as popping bubble-wrap, but since I’m sitting in the library most of the time, it’s my only option.
Back to the topic(s) at hand. I loooooved the Skype presentation. I have never used Skype myself, mainly because none of my family back home have web cams (how is that possible in this day and age?). I have signed up for one after Dean Sharski’s Skype visit to our classroom, but so far, I haven’t been able to really use it or play with it. I thought it was really interesting how Skype could be used in a classroom to visit other classrooms around the world. I especially think that this would be interesting in a classroom that’s set in a rural or isolated setting. Too often in these kind of places, there is a tendency to think that the whole world is located within the confines of that town or reserve only. It’s hard for the students to think beyond the lines of their community. I think that using Skype would help bring the realization of enormity of our world to these students, and they would be able to experience another culture without even having to leave their classroom. I really like the idea about having classroom debates within the same school (or even in another school). I especially liked the idea of using Skype in career preparation classes or Canadian Studies courses. It’s so amazing what can be done with technology in today’s classrooms. Teacher’s really have no reason to have boring classes anymore.
When talking about Edmodo vs. Facebook, I prefer Edmodo to communicate with parents and students. I think that Facebook is too personal, even if I did only use a Facebook group or page to when communicating with them. There needs to be a boundary between your personal and professional lives. I know that when I start teaching on my reserve, there is no doubt that I will already be Facebook friends with my students’ parents. But that doesn’t mean that I will be communicating to them on Facebook about matters regarding their children.
Awesome t-shirts by the way to the presenters. I loved it!
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