I hope that I'm not the only one who is a little more than overwhelmed by this class.
It took me such a long time to get what web 2.0 meant that I kind of took one look at PLN's and just shut down.
I do not know why I was panicking so much because it really is quite simple. The videos we had to watch, plus the presentation done by John Evans was really helpful and helped me to calm down a bit.
PLN's stand for Personal Learning Networks. I think it's amazing how much wider this network is with all this technology we have today. Basically, with technology, educators can have a million other educators right at their virtual fingertips, and these million other educators are filled with advice and ideas. It's so good because educators are so big on sharing and don't mind if other teacher's use their ideas. In fact, they WANT other people to use their ideas. And they all know what they have tried in the past and what works and what doesn't work.
PLN's are like a virtual treasure box of resources.
And here's mine.
Sorry for the lackluster blog post today. I got a phone call this morning that kind of ruined my whole day.
Hey Sylvia,
ReplyDeleteI think your PLN looks great! This is coming from someone whose own PLN isn't that great, but still, I think yours really does look good. Nice and full.
I agree that a lot of the stuff we are learning can be overwhelming. Just when I think I have it figured out, and I understand the technology and philosophy behind it, BAM! Something else comes up and I no longer have things figured out. But, I think just by being aware of what exactly is out there for us to use in our classroom, we will be okay. And if, down the road you remember something that we learned about in this class but forget what it is called or something, well that is what your PLN is for!